Have you spoken to a tutoring company or a tutor?
“Oh yeah I can help with that” is the less than resounding reply.
They offer a whole host of stuff. Interview technique, 11+, 13+, GCSE prep, personal statement writing…etc.
These kinds of people and companies describe themselves as “bespoke”. They are flexible and create whatever you want but really they are just casting their net as wide as possible.
This is the thing… when you take on everything, you are often covering new ground. Think of Livingstone adventuring to discover the Victoria Falls.
You don’t want someone making it up as they go along with your child’s learning though.
Think about it. If a tutor has twenty different clients, they have to come up with a unique plan for each one. They cannot possibly do this as well as someone who spent their time designing a program for one specific problem.
Think of someone you look up to – do they offer every service under the sun in a catch all approach?
No, I bet they’re freaking awesome at one thing. You get the dog people to walk your dog. The brain surgeon to do your brain surgery. The wardrobe people to build your wardrobe.
Ever heard of the phrase, Jack of all trades and master of none.
Anyway, all of this is to say…
If you want to hire a tutor, start by asking specific questions to weed out the wheat from the chafe:
1. Do you have teaching experience in a classroom? (qualified teachers know what they are talking about)
2. Are you currently in a teaching job? (teachers are overworked)
3. What’s your plan to solve my child’s problems? Can you give me a detailed plan and vision. With weekly goals and an end-point (?)
4. How long will it take to achieve the desired result?
5. What evidence do you have that your approach will work?
6. How will you make sure my child gets better in school not just in your tutor sessions?
7.How will you deal with my kids motivation and self-confidence issues?
The first step to finding a good intervention is finding someone who has the credentials and time to answer your child’s needs. Key point number one: never settle for the “bespoke” services who are just casting their net wide to maximise profits.
Much love, Tom