Ready for something that can change your kid’s future forever? 

The way they see the world and the way the world sees them?  

We’re talking about getting your son or daughter on the path to achieving way higher than you and they ever thought possible.

This will be achieved through dramatically changing their relationship with maths. 

The current education system is broken. 

There’s  a better way

New Term Turnaround
- 14 day Challenge


It’s a 14 day challenge where we work hard to change your son’s or daughter’s  confidence and onto the path to moving up sets and change their futures forever .

This is an exclusive program for students who are ready for FAST growth in their school work—and are willing to be pushed hard to get it.

  • We go gung-ho to master Algebra (typically the most hated subject). This gives us momentum for everything else we do.
  • If they want to achieve TOP grades Algebra is a must have.
  • We also get to grips with the one idea that will accelerate their learning like nothing else. 
  • I’ve affectionately dubbed it “the little and often hack” and it is a trick that I have used to turn so many students fortunes around.
  • We do an audit of our independence and talk about strategies to improve.  Tutoring is great and all but it’s not meant to be forever! 

This course is not for everyone.

  • if you are happy to play the lottery with you Childs grades 
  • If you are happy for your child to spend 3 years only just scraping a C 
  • If you are happy etc 
  • this course is not for you. 

I’m not saying it is easy…

But if your son or daughter is ready to be challenged and to push themselves, this could be the one intervention that changes their fortunes in Maths and ultimately their life – once and for all. 

Think about when you were at school, do you remember that one teacher who gave you confidence? The one you remember today that made you believe anything in life was possible. That you could be what you wanted to be in life. 

This has been my role for hundreds of students over the last few years. Take a look at what this parent said about my sessions.

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I have a son who had really suffered at school. He had big gaps in his learning... He really struggled staying in lessons. We managed to find Tom and things have completely turned around. I've never seen him engage like he engages with Tom... His confidence has improved so much... I am eternally grateful for the way he teaches and sees children.
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I was a bit skeptical about the online stuff but it really has worked for us... I couldn't have asked for more. Tom had a synergy with our daughter. He gained her trust and it really felt like they built up lots of momentum. They worked on areas that really mattered and it had a real impact. So thank you Tom, it's been absolutely amazing. Our daughter had always had trouble with maths but she's doing great now.
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Tom Hawkins was a brilliant support for my daughter. He knows how to coach, guide, and listen to his students. He not only supports them academically, but he understands how to help my daughter with all the pressures of her GCSEs. He pitches the balance between the two perfectly. My daughter successfully passed and exceeded in all her GCSEs! Thank you Tom

NEW TERM TURNAROUND starts next week (October 4th) 

Sadly I will not be able to help everyone. This Is because I want to give the best service to the select group that starts the course.

I have 20 spaces available, once this cohort is in. I will be dramatically raising the price for the next cohort to ensure that the right people are joining.

I could charge way more but I want to make this accessible to those who I know I can help. The course starts at only £75. The price of a nice meal out to change your child’s future doesn’t seem that much now does it.

If you have read this far and know this is the right course for you and your son or daughter, sign up below!

If you are still undecided, we have a 14 day, no-questions-asked refund policy.

If that is not enough no worries at all, this course requires some heart to start and is not for everyone.